This is a premature action to force a measure onto the November ballot that, if approved by 60% of the voters, will split the Wheeler Opera House's RETT proceeds in half, with half staying with the Wheeler and the other half going to other arts uses, including remodeling the district theater.
I agree that the Wheeler's bloated coffers ($39.3 million) are an easy target and definitely warrant some careful consideration, but this citizen-driven reallocation is a direct bypass of the legislative process. I get it - city council has been inept at best of late when it comes to making good community-minded decisions, but the Wheeler RETT is in their crosshairs and it is already a priority for a November 2022 ballot measure. In the meantime, council intends to weigh the various community needs before determining the best beneficiary of any re-allocation.
So, when asked to sign a petition this week, don't. Let's consider all the community needs before automatically reallocating just to arts, culture and music. In the end, these may indeed be the designated beneficiaries, but when the community is screaming for mental health and additional childcare funding, this petition leaves them in the dust.