ISSUE #109: ANT Alert - Your November 4 Election Primer

"Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves, and the only way they could do this is by not voting." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ballots were sent out yesterday to all registered voters. Give it a day or two, but if you don't receive yours, contact the County Clerk at 970-429-2713. This year, the statewide election will be conducted via mail-in ballots only so be sure that yours is received by the clerk no later than 7pm on Tuesday, November 4.
For more information on the November election, visit
In a break from Aspen tradition, we have very few issues to consider this round. This does not, however, mean that these issues are unimportant! Be sure to vote!!!
We have one competitive race, and that's for County Commissioner, District 1, between the incumbent and BOCC chair Rob Ittner and challenger Patti Clapper, who held the position until she was term-limited out in 2010. District 1 encompasses most of central Aspen, however the election is open to all county voters. This has been a quiet race thus far, in stark contrast to the battle for the seat between Ittner and Jack Johnson four years ago. Key issues have shaped up to primarily be on growth and development (what's new), but there are several other topics that differentiate the candidates.
According to Ittner, "The crucial needs on our agenda include a focus on the airport and developing a facilities plan with the county. The courthouse needs to be restructured as well as the county building. In effect, we run an organization with 250 employees - there's asset management, staff management, and an effort to keep county health insurance costs down. ... So, is there a new agenda? Not exactly."
Alternatively, Clapper sees the county budget as needing to be re-focused on "sustainability." She says, "Things have gotten busier in the valley, business is up, which is a great thing, and we have to make sure that our increased revenues are managed correctly. We need to better fund health and human services and address local mental health issues. We also need to address sustainable agriculture, protect our historic tradition of ranching, and look at the long-term impacts of drought. There's more and more pressure to take care of our watershed."
I have long been a supporter of Ittner's, based on his business and leadership skills. These have enabled him to find a balance when contemplating the complex and often divisive issues that come before the BOCC. He has a proven and successful record of working with his fellow commissioners to find common ground, despite not always agreeing with each of them on every issue. Ittner added, "It's interesting, I can't say that the major issues have changed. We not only have to protect the area from too much growth, but we also have to protect private property rights. ... Again it's a balance."
I also appreciate how he conducts his campaigns, most notably his personal commitment to interfacing with as many constituents as he possibly can (he's everywhere -- you've seen him, rain or shine, out there waving his signs). Sadly, the intentional non-partisan nature of the county commissioners race was recently injected with partisan vitriol by the challenger (read it HERE). It was so very unnecessary in an otherwise far-from-contentious race. It really turned me off.
The Red Ant says, without a doubt, re-elect:
X Rob Ittner for County Commissioner, District 1
But don't just take my word for it, check out this letter to the editor HERE from a self-proclaimed "liberal democrat" who encourages voters to eschew "labels" and focus specifically on Ittner's very strong record.
Other races for local elected office include those for County Commissioner - District 2, Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder, County Assessor and County Sheriff. None of these races are contested. What a shame. While I fundamentally don't have issues with several of these incumbents, it is always healthy for a democracy to have choices, if for no other reason than basic checks and balances, and to bring critical issues to the fore. In Aspen especially, the entrenched political class has managed to have a lock on several critical positions, year in and year out. Did I say "Rachel Richards"??
The Red Ant says, vote for:
X Janice K. Vos Caudhill for Clerk and Recorder
X Tom Isaac for County Assessor
As for "giving" a vote to unopposed incumbents Rachel Richards (County Commissioner, District 2) and Sheriff Joe DiSalvo, do what you will. Check the box or leave it blank. Your call. It won't change the outcome.
Ballot Issue 1A: Aspen Ambulance District
This measure seeks to increase funding for the Aspen Ambulance District to build a new $5 million ambulance barn and staff headquarters facility and to fund its ongoing operations. The current mill levy for the district (boundaries: Aspen and unincorporated Pitkin County from Watson Divide to Aspen), formed in 1982, is .22. This measure seeks to more than double that to .501. The original 1982 mill levy was .82, but has gradually decreased as property values increased, per state law. The Aspen Ambulance District responded to 1156 calls in 2013.
The Red Ant says this is a very small property tax increase for a very valuable service that saves lives every day. It will fund much needed new equipment; imagine in this wireless era how critical it is that ambulances have real time connectivity to doctors and the ER. This is a matter of public safety.
X Yes on 1A
Ballot Issue 1B: Citizens Boards Amendment
This question asks whether or not the County Charter be amended to remove the two-year term for members of citizens boards and instead enable the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to establish appropriate term durations for each of the citizen boards.
The Red Ant says this one just makes good administrative sense. There needs to be a balance between citizen participation and institutional memory. In some cases on some boards, the renewal exercise is a waste of time, especially when the county has trouble filling all board positions.
X Yes on 1B
Ballot Issue 1C: Elimination of "Conflict of Interest Committee"
This question asks whether or not the County Charter be amended to eliminate the Conflict of Interest Committee. (And yes, there is one!)
The Red Ant says get rid of a committee that hardly anyone seems to have heard of that has been in existence for 20 years but has never met. Ideally, the committee would educate elected officials and key employees in spotting potential conflicts of interest and advising people to recuse themselves where appropriate. However, the proactive nature of the county attorney renders this group redundant. As a matter of housekeeping, abolish it.
X YES on 1C
Referendum 2A: Amendment to City Charter to Address a Vacancy in an Elected Office
This question seeks approval to provide the City Council with greater flexibility in filling council vacancies, including a provision to call a special election in the case of deadlock. It will eliminate a coin flip, roll of the dice or other game-of-chance solution to fill a vacancy.
The Red Ant says this is a great step toward improving governance and best practices by city council.
X Yes on 2A
Referendum 2B: Amendment to City Charter regarding Term Limits
This question would impose term limits for cumulative years of service as a member of council and/or mayor. If approved, it will preclude the possibility of the same individual continuously circulating between the offices of council and mayor, election after election, without limitation.
The Red Ant says yes to term limits!
X Yes on 2B
As I've said before, DO NOT skip this important part of the ballot, even if you neither know nor care about who they are or how they dispense justice. By not explicitly voting NO on each "shall [judge] be retained" question, you are implicitly voting YES to keep him/her on the bench. Unless you personally know a given judge to be honest and fair (ie. non-activist), vote NO on retention!
The Red Ant says:
Boatright X NO
Marquez X NO
Fox X NO
Loeb X NO
Lynch X NO
Fernandez-Ely X YES
The Red Ant is specifically focused on Aspen political issues, however, please feel free to contact me regarding other races and ballot measures. Yes, I have opinions on those too!
- Aspen's "parking gate" scandal is not going away; Barwick in the hot seat
- How, given the escalating dollar amounts scammed from the parking meters, are parking revenues dramatically UP in 2014? We're talking WAY UP, like 4 times over last year, and it's only October. There's something very fishy with parking revenues!
- Despite the scandal, the city contemplates raising parking fees
- The city's proposed 2015 $93.2 million budget includeds significant pay raises for employees
- City greenies have not given up on Castle Creek Hydro
Ballots were sent out yesterday to all registered voters. Give it a day or two, but if you don't receive yours, contact the County Clerk at 970-429-2713. This year, the statewide election will be conducted via mail-in ballots only so be sure that yours is received by the clerk no later than 7pm on Tuesday, November 4.
For more information on the November election, visit
In a break from Aspen tradition, we have very few issues to consider this round. This does not, however, mean that these issues are unimportant! Be sure to vote!!!
We have one competitive race, and that's for County Commissioner, District 1, between the incumbent and BOCC chair Rob Ittner and challenger Patti Clapper, who held the position until she was term-limited out in 2010. District 1 encompasses most of central Aspen, however the election is open to all county voters. This has been a quiet race thus far, in stark contrast to the battle for the seat between Ittner and Jack Johnson four years ago. Key issues have shaped up to primarily be on growth and development (what's new), but there are several other topics that differentiate the candidates.
According to Ittner, "The crucial needs on our agenda include a focus on the airport and developing a facilities plan with the county. The courthouse needs to be restructured as well as the county building. In effect, we run an organization with 250 employees - there's asset management, staff management, and an effort to keep county health insurance costs down. ... So, is there a new agenda? Not exactly."
Alternatively, Clapper sees the county budget as needing to be re-focused on "sustainability." She says, "Things have gotten busier in the valley, business is up, which is a great thing, and we have to make sure that our increased revenues are managed correctly. We need to better fund health and human services and address local mental health issues. We also need to address sustainable agriculture, protect our historic tradition of ranching, and look at the long-term impacts of drought. There's more and more pressure to take care of our watershed."
I have long been a supporter of Ittner's, based on his business and leadership skills. These have enabled him to find a balance when contemplating the complex and often divisive issues that come before the BOCC. He has a proven and successful record of working with his fellow commissioners to find common ground, despite not always agreeing with each of them on every issue. Ittner added, "It's interesting, I can't say that the major issues have changed. We not only have to protect the area from too much growth, but we also have to protect private property rights. ... Again it's a balance."
I also appreciate how he conducts his campaigns, most notably his personal commitment to interfacing with as many constituents as he possibly can (he's everywhere -- you've seen him, rain or shine, out there waving his signs). Sadly, the intentional non-partisan nature of the county commissioners race was recently injected with partisan vitriol by the challenger (read it HERE). It was so very unnecessary in an otherwise far-from-contentious race. It really turned me off.
The Red Ant says, without a doubt, re-elect:
X Rob Ittner for County Commissioner, District 1
But don't just take my word for it, check out this letter to the editor HERE from a self-proclaimed "liberal democrat" who encourages voters to eschew "labels" and focus specifically on Ittner's very strong record.
Other races for local elected office include those for County Commissioner - District 2, Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder, County Assessor and County Sheriff. None of these races are contested. What a shame. While I fundamentally don't have issues with several of these incumbents, it is always healthy for a democracy to have choices, if for no other reason than basic checks and balances, and to bring critical issues to the fore. In Aspen especially, the entrenched political class has managed to have a lock on several critical positions, year in and year out. Did I say "Rachel Richards"??
The Red Ant says, vote for:
X Janice K. Vos Caudhill for Clerk and Recorder
X Tom Isaac for County Assessor
As for "giving" a vote to unopposed incumbents Rachel Richards (County Commissioner, District 2) and Sheriff Joe DiSalvo, do what you will. Check the box or leave it blank. Your call. It won't change the outcome.
Ballot Issue 1A: Aspen Ambulance District
This measure seeks to increase funding for the Aspen Ambulance District to build a new $5 million ambulance barn and staff headquarters facility and to fund its ongoing operations. The current mill levy for the district (boundaries: Aspen and unincorporated Pitkin County from Watson Divide to Aspen), formed in 1982, is .22. This measure seeks to more than double that to .501. The original 1982 mill levy was .82, but has gradually decreased as property values increased, per state law. The Aspen Ambulance District responded to 1156 calls in 2013.
The Red Ant says this is a very small property tax increase for a very valuable service that saves lives every day. It will fund much needed new equipment; imagine in this wireless era how critical it is that ambulances have real time connectivity to doctors and the ER. This is a matter of public safety.
X Yes on 1A
Ballot Issue 1B: Citizens Boards Amendment
This question asks whether or not the County Charter be amended to remove the two-year term for members of citizens boards and instead enable the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to establish appropriate term durations for each of the citizen boards.
The Red Ant says this one just makes good administrative sense. There needs to be a balance between citizen participation and institutional memory. In some cases on some boards, the renewal exercise is a waste of time, especially when the county has trouble filling all board positions.
X Yes on 1B
Ballot Issue 1C: Elimination of "Conflict of Interest Committee"
This question asks whether or not the County Charter be amended to eliminate the Conflict of Interest Committee. (And yes, there is one!)
The Red Ant says get rid of a committee that hardly anyone seems to have heard of that has been in existence for 20 years but has never met. Ideally, the committee would educate elected officials and key employees in spotting potential conflicts of interest and advising people to recuse themselves where appropriate. However, the proactive nature of the county attorney renders this group redundant. As a matter of housekeeping, abolish it.
X YES on 1C
Referendum 2A: Amendment to City Charter to Address a Vacancy in an Elected Office
This question seeks approval to provide the City Council with greater flexibility in filling council vacancies, including a provision to call a special election in the case of deadlock. It will eliminate a coin flip, roll of the dice or other game-of-chance solution to fill a vacancy.
The Red Ant says this is a great step toward improving governance and best practices by city council.
X Yes on 2A
Referendum 2B: Amendment to City Charter regarding Term Limits
This question would impose term limits for cumulative years of service as a member of council and/or mayor. If approved, it will preclude the possibility of the same individual continuously circulating between the offices of council and mayor, election after election, without limitation.
The Red Ant says yes to term limits!
X Yes on 2B
As I've said before, DO NOT skip this important part of the ballot, even if you neither know nor care about who they are or how they dispense justice. By not explicitly voting NO on each "shall [judge] be retained" question, you are implicitly voting YES to keep him/her on the bench. Unless you personally know a given judge to be honest and fair (ie. non-activist), vote NO on retention!
The Red Ant says:
Boatright X NO
Marquez X NO
Fox X NO
Loeb X NO
Lynch X NO
Fernandez-Ely X YES
The Red Ant is specifically focused on Aspen political issues, however, please feel free to contact me regarding other races and ballot measures. Yes, I have opinions on those too!
· Aspen's "parking gate" scandal is not going away; Barwick in the hot seat
· How, given the escalating dollar amounts scammed from the parking meters, are parking revenues dramatically UP in 2014? We're talking WAY UP, like 4 times over last year, and it's only October. There's something very fishy with parking revenues!
· Despite the scandal, the city contemplates raising parking fees
· The city's proposed 2015 $93.2 million budget includes significant pay raises for employees
· City greenies have not given up on Castle Creek Hydro