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Ant Alert: Ants Crawls Across TV Screen

In a fun experiment to extend the reach of our message, The Red Ant is filming a few Grassroots TV shows focused on the amusing activities in the Ant Hill at Hopkins and Galena.

Tune in and give us feedback and ideas for future shows. The first two shows air this week, beginning this morning on Channel 12 locally. ADDITIONALLY, simultaneous video streaming on the internet at

will allow you to watch the show at your desk, if you cannot access local Aspen TV channels. (If you work for the City, The Ant counsels against watching us at your desk!)

"Ants in the Auditors' Pants"


"Worker Ants Want A Raise"

click below to see air times and descriptions.

"Ants in the Auditors' Pants"

Guests: Paul Menter- Former Finance Director, City of Aspen
Mike Maple- Developer, Member of Burlingame Construction Experts Task Force

We will discuss the management problems noted in the auditors' Burlingame reports, and worse, the City's attempt to mislead the public on the unfavorable results. The Ant mentioned this in Issue # 3 (found at ). Misrepresenting auditors' reports is such egregious behavior that we are not nearly ready to march on and leave this serious breach of ethics unaddressed.

Broadcast times are (all Mountain Daylight Times):

Tuesday, Sept 2, 10:30 a.m.; Friday; Sept 5, 1:30 p.m.; Saturday, Sept 6, 10 a.m.; Saturday, Sept. 6, 8 p.m.; Channel 12 and

"Worker Ants Want A Raise"

Declaring Council positions as 40+ hour per week jobs, Mayor Mick decreed that compensation should be higher than the 2x increase submitted by Councilman Johnson. Claiming that Council is the subject of considerable "abuse" from citizens, and this justifies even greater salary increases, the Mayor declared that this abuse at the hands of citizens creates difficulty in attracting Council candidates. The newspapers then neglected to report what we felt was the most astounding position expressed by the Mayor, as he vowed his "refusal to accept the CEO form of local government," which has been our Charter-authorized form of (Council-Manager) government for decades. Our ANTennae are up! )

In second Red Ant Show, frequent Council candidate and local policy wonk, Andrew Kole and Marilyn discuss issues of Council pay and responsibilities and the upcoming formation of a Council-appointed citizens' committee to study those matters.
Broadcast Times are: Tuesday, Sept. 2, 11 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept 3, 12:30 a.m.
Friday, Sept 5, 8 a.m.
Saturday, Sept 6, 6 p.m.
Channel 12 and

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Reader Comments (2)

Following Mayor Ireland's logic that those who waste the most time at City Hall should get paid the most money is a very interesting management concept. Is it possible that a compensation strategy like this could inadvertently bankrupt an organization? And what was that other project City Hall was bouncing around recently? Something about borrowing a ton of money because we "ran out"? We must have some real professional time wasters on staff, huh?

Additionally, if Mick should get paid more money because of all he citizens that harass him the finance department better better pad the budget big time for all the citizens and employees he harasses!

September 2 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca Doane

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