The Words We Were Waiting For
Tuesday's Ant Alert merits an update. Citizens' quick response seemed to move the Council to do the right thing, and drop both ill-conceived last minute surprise ballot proposals. Between Monday's and Tuesday's meetings, we heard from Council the words we'd all wanted to hear for months about the premature and reckless ballot measures. Those welcome words---WITHDRAW and POSTPONE.
Doubling Council Salaries--WITHDRAWN
This ordinance was withdrawn mere seconds after the meeting was called to order. Councilman Johnson withdrew his weekend news cycle surprise ballot proposal to more than double the pay of Council after the idea was met with public resistance and skepticism. Johnson claimed surprise at the public's reaction. We're surprised by his surprise!! Instead, a Citizens' Compensation Committee will be formed to evaluate the scope of responsibilities required for Mayor and Council positions, and recommend the appropriate stipends for the roles. The Red Ant will promote a healthy public dialogue and forum on the issue of the desired form of local governance.
June Election Date--WITHDRAWN
Mayor Mick additionally withdrew his 11th hour (literally proposed after 11p.m. Monday evening) ballot measure scheme that would move the May election to June. He argued that more people would be in town in June to vote. Several-time Council candidate, Andrew Kole, countered, noting that a June election would create a longer (and more expensive) campaign season. Kole argued for a "level playing field" for candidates. With a June election, most of the intense campaigning would be required in May, when few voters are in town--creating an advantage for the best funded candidates, and those who control the best databases. If a date change is needed, it should be moved to early April when people are in town for campaign season AND could vote, he said. The City has held its spring elections in May since 1971, and so that date remains.
Long Term Debt Issues--Click Through to Read
Big Burlingame Bond--POSTPONED
Voters will NOT be asked to approve a $50-$75 million bond to complete Burlingame II/III. When neither the Construction Experts Group's recommendations, nor a density, design and construction method plan was ready, it was deemed premature to place such a significant bond in front of voters, especially given the fiasco of the $75 million+ unexpected project cost additions still being analyzed.
Wheeler Payback Bond--POSTPONED
Voters will NOT be asked to authorize a $16 million bond to repay a Wheeler Opera House Fund loan for controversial land-banking purchases made in 2007. These depleted the housing fund, and the "over-draft protection" was made possible by an $8 million loan from the Wheeler's RETT fund. (The Red Ant doesn't like "E-Z loan over-draft protection" style of money management!!)
Community Engagement
As Councilman Jack Johnson (now somewhat infamously) wrote, "but for the discovery of this brochure, we would have easily passed a ballot measure this fall." He is right. However, but for the community's insistence on responsible stewardship of the (now depleted) workforce housing fund, the Big Burlingame Bond would indeed have passed! Instead, the City is now charged with significantly improving its development plan and management systems to ensure a future for our workforce housing program. The debt question won't be placed before voters until at least May 2009, when all of the needed improvements can be evaluated BEFORE we vote incur significant long term debt for housing.
Aspen citizens joined forces to object to making premature and fiscally irresponsible decisions.
Our local heroes formed an "Issue Committee," recommending the postponement of the Burlingame bond issue until there is a well-considered Burlingame plan. Others organized and sponsored the Citizen's Town Hall meeting "Burlingame: The Unanswered Questions." Several wrote compelling letters to the Aspen papers. (see below for those special contributors.) Their civil discourse was integral to the persuasive effort. The Citizens Budget Task force and the Construction Experts Group continue their dedication to provide ideas, information and insight needed for Council and community decision making. Thanks for the hundreds of hours of volunteer effort!
The best news is that this issue has created a newly interested group of citizens committed to be informed and actively engaged in important future civic affairs!
Thanks to City Council for listening and responding to the concerns of the citizens.
November Decisions
As expected, other local issues WILL be on the November ballot. We'll be sharing our ground level Ant's perspective in coming issues, and will also promote a public forum of civil discourse on the following ballot topics :
-0.45% Sales Tax Renewal for Housing and Daycare
-Extension of RETT until 2040
-Density at Burlingame
But Words We Hated Trigger an Ant Rant!
The Monday and Tuesday meetings were not without their disturbing moments, between transparency issues and troubling statements made by Council members, including "demagoguery," "abuse," unilateral decrees and out-right rejection of Aspen's government structure. Expect a bit of an Ant Rant in the coming days!
Marilyn Marks
Elizabeth Milias
Ant Appreciates!--
Issue Committee : Roger Aaron, Virginia Aaron,
Gaston Alciatore, Diane Anderson, Tom Anderson,
Lisa Baker, Scott Bayens, Chris Bentley,
Thomas Carr, Ester Blom-Geiser, Penney Evans-Carruth,
Jane Click, Janice Collins, Maggie DeWolf,
Bill Dinsmoor, Don Davidson ,Scott Davidson,
Tony DiLucia, Rebecca Doane, Carol Farino,
Jim Farmer, Melvin Gallant, Marilyn Gallant,
Tatnall Hillman, Roberta Hillman, Charles Hopton,
Tom Isaac, Thomas Kosich, David Lester,
Paula Loud, Monty Loud, Roberta Lowenstein,
Walt Madden ,Mike Maple, Marilyn Marks,
Elizabeth Milias, Bert Myrin, Andy Moddell,
Marie O'Neill, Jim Perry, Margery Perry,
Bernard Phillips, Charley Podolak, Dale Potvin,
Sally Potvin, David Rothermel, Shellie Roy,
Larry Saliterman, AnnekeScholten, Paul and June Schorr,
Luky Seymour, Todd Shaver, Liz Siegel,
John Simpson, Sandy Simpson, Jennifer Swanson,
Toney Thomas, Philip Verleger, Jan Walker,
John Walker, Craig Ward, Bonnie Wilke,
Jack Wilke, Lorrie Winnerman
Town Hall Sponsors: Dr. Jerry Bovino Allen, Wertz & Feldman, LLP
Roger and Ginny Aaron, Gaston Alciatore, Penney Carruth,
Don Davidson, Scott Davidson ,Tom Kosich,
Barbara and Jon Lee, Elizabeth Milias, Andy Modell ,
Charley Podolak,Catherine Anne and John Provine, Shellie Roy,
John Simpson, Craig Ward, Working Solutions, LLC ,
Anonymous Contributors
Town Hall Speakers/Hosts: Mike Maple, Paul Menter, Don Davidson, Dwayne Romero, Jerry Bovino, Andrew Kole, Michael Conniff
Letter Writers : Robert Auld,
Paul Menter, Jim Perry, Tom Kosich,
Don Davidson, Penney Evans Carruth, Gaston Alciatore,
Michael Conniff, Shellie Roy, Scott Bayens,
Andrew Kole, Steve Falender, Ward Hauenstein ,
Kim Vieira, Jim DeFrancia, Mike Marolt,
Susan O'Neal, Rebecca Doane
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