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Fear and Loathing in Aspen, Colorado.....Issue #19

A Culture of Intimidation

Years after Hunter S. Thompson's book, the chase after the American dream through a drug-induced haze continues - in Aspen. The characters are certainly different, as is the dream. But a drug-induced haze should not be required to deal with the heavy-handed control exercised by the local government.

Election season has caused The Ant to think about the fundamentals of our democratic process, and why they seem to be slipping away in our community.

It likely started slowly, gained momentum and then consistency. Now, it's a sadly accepted but only quietly discussed matter of fact. The Aspen City government controls most dissent through its growing power. Citizens who are not paying close attention have no sense this is happening. Many who experience it can't fight back.


Time and again, citizens are intimidated, stonewalled and discouraged from voicing dissent for fear of very real repercussions. A City Hall observer recently described it well as, "the only people truly free to speak their minds are those who have nothing to lose, and need nothing from the Aspen City government."


Public Meetings

Those who attend Council meetings or watch them on Grassroots know that participants are frequently treated with rudeness and biting sarcasm, sharply criticized, sometimes interrogated and harshly lectured to if they dare question or disagree with Council direction. Several citizens have reported recently wanting to speak, but were unwilling to subject themselves to the rude, intimidating behavior meted out at Council meetings. What ever happened to tolerance and civil discourse?


Romero Had Enough!

After 17 months of tolerating Mayor Mick's rude manners in Council meetings, Councilman Romero reminded the Mayor in the October 28 meeting that he needs to play by the same rules he demands of others when he has the floor. (Mick frequently takes great offense if he is interrupted.) The subject was the budget item for Gymnastics program safety enhancements (Foam Pits, etc.). Romero was responding to the impressive turn out on October 20, of little gymnasts and their parents to ask that this budget request be approved.


The Red Ant acknowledges that Mayor Mick was on his best behavior in front of the young gymnasts, but the following week when the budget for the gymnastics pits was discussed, Mayor Mick returned to his "old Mick" ways when Romero attempted to promote the cause.. (Note that despite the considerable information supplied by the program leaders that 300+ kids participate in the program, Mick declares that the equipment would only benefit 15 people. Unfortunately, the Mayor plays fast and loose with numbers in the positions he advocates, whether it is land use codes or housing statistics. Here's one where someone finally called him on it.)





Click to See The Video


We've certainly seen much worse behavior toward citizens from Mick. However, finally, someone was in a position to respond. One of the few people in town with nothing to fear --Dwayne Romero.


People who Fear (and loathe?)

We have had countless calls, emails, visits from citizens who claim too much "at risk" to speak their frustration with the government:


Burlingame Homeowners

There seem to be considerable lingering construction and financial issues of serious magnitude at Burlingame Phase I, which the City has not resolved. Many homeowners fear speaking out on public issues for fear that the City will retaliate, making the fixes an even more distant promise.


Affordable Housing Residents

Many have told us that they have much to say about the program and City operations in general, but fear that speaking up will trigger exhaustive audits and investigations of their lives in efforts to find violations that might put their housing at risk. If your reaction is-"if they have nothing to hide, then they should not mind the investigations"---read on. . .


Searches of Individual's Public Records

The Red Ant has recently found herself the subject of multiple public records searches and inquiries. Yes, those records searched are indeed public: real estate purchase prices, property taxes, car registrations, etc. But when confronted and interrogated by the local press and questioned about personal finances and investments, and national political preferences, The Red Ant feels that this has gone a little too far. The message is clear to those who might consider speaking out.

City Employees

Oh, the interesting calls and messages we get from City employees giving us tips and encouragement, but warning us that they will be very distant and cool toward us in public, so as to avoid endangering their jobs at City Hall. They don't want to be known as "being aligned" with those who speak out.


Damning "Alignment"

A few citizens who recently participated in or supported The Red Ant non-partisan issues forum have found themselves targeted by the local papers and government officials. Their purported "alignment" with The Red Ant is put forth as a dishonorable association, and their personal/professional credibility is questioned. Undemocratic to say the least! (The "alignment" of the local papers with City Hall is another story for another day. . . )


Campaign Signs Can Make You a Target

Candidates and ballot issue leaders have found that some Aspenites are hesitant to display campaign signs for candidates they support. This is not due to HOA rules, rather the fear of being criticized for campaigning against incumbents and/or opposing issues near and dear to powerful politicians' hearts.

Ordinance 30/48 Property Owners

While no longer in the headlines,approximately 50 property owners remain on "the list" because their homes/buildings are over 30 years old and targeted .by the City as potentially historic. They have very tricky and expensive negotiations with the City when they wish to remodel or demolish their properties. This group may have become the quietest consortium in town. Many feel that they must stay silent on all other topics to avoid the risk of retaliation when it's their turn to negotiate.

Local Lawyers

Try to engage a land use lawyer in town on a matter which might involve an adverse position to the City. We have watched them turn down dozens of cases, "we don't want to be adversarial to the City, and need to avoid retaliation against other clients." Many will only give advice in the background, without permitting use of their names!


Contractors and Developers

While no one considers contractors and developers a down-trodden class, it only takes a visit to the volunteer Burlingame Construction Experts Group meeting to see many of them hesitant to speak candidly, out of concern for the fate of their own current or future projects . Hearing the post-meeting private conversations is far more revealing. This is why the Citizens Budget Task Force, which initially recommended this team approach, suggested that it be run by private citizens, not City officials. Council would not allow that. It's a shame to see such talent gathered to help the housing program, compromised by the inability to be candid.

Aspen, Colorado USA

This is still America, where the US Constitution rules the land. The First Amendment clearly provides for the freedom of speech and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The beauty of our representative democracy is that elected officials are in office to "represent" the electorate. If they lose sight of this honor, and the power goes to their heads, inevitably, an election is on the horizon.


What We Can Do About It NOW

We don't have to wait until the May election to see the democratic process better honored. The Council can begin to:

- Fill open positions on boards and commissions with people who bring a diversity of thought, not primarily "Mick supporters".

- Invite citizens to come to Council meetings to contribute their thoughts -- particularly those who might bring diverse opinions.

- Treat citizens' comments with respect and dignity.

- Adopt the recent request of Council made by Marilyn that the yet-to-be named Citizens committee on Council roles and compensation also update of the Council Standards of Conduct and Governance.


We plan to ask Jackie and Dwayne to help lead this effort. We hope that you will ask, as well.


We will post our request on this blog. You are always welcome to leave your comments here. We appreciate comments whether you agree or disagree with our viewpoint. And we never yell at anyone for having a different view!


Don't fail to exercise your precious democratic right---go Vote on Tuesday!!

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Reader Comments (20)

If Mick misrepresents the use of a kid's recreation facility this way, after quite a bit of public testimony, how can we trust him with any numbers?

He is known as a numbers genius, but he makes up numbers and is so authoritative when he uses them, that no one questions him.

Red Ant, please keep your antennae up to his bullshit numbers, and let the people know! He needs to be gone from leadership positions in this valley.

November 2 | Unregistered CommenterNumbers Guy

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