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The Menu Police?

While I've long been an advocate for encouraging and even incentivizing "locally serving businesses," the Cooper Street settlement arrangement for a price-controlled menu looks a bit heavy handed. Upon reading the news story, I immediately called my friend Elizabeth to laugh about the latest government micro-management. When she quipped, "Welcome, Chairman Mao's Diner," I insisted that she write the following piece for The Red Ant. I think that it is a hoot, but has a serious message!

Chairman Mao's Diner in Aspen

In an unprecedented turn of events, City Council recently agreed to settle with local developers over their plans for the Cooper Street Pier project. In exchange for the ability to redevelop their private property in accordance with Aspen's land use code, including the required workforce housing,--the owners must, as stipulated by City Council, provide for a "People's" restaurant in the basement space. The Cooper Street Pier's basement, formerly occupied by Lucci's and then Siamese Basil, must now adhere to Council-dictated financial guidelines that restrict not only the rent, but also the hours of operation and, of all things, the menu prices!

Welcome to Aspen, Chairman Mao's Diner. Chairman Mao's Diner will be REQUIRED BY LAW to serve meals that are priced "within the third lowest" of all restaurants in town. Can you just imagine, after a long day at work or on the slopes, popping in for a quick bowl of rice and watery gruel? Will there be silverware? Or will everything be served in a hand-forged tin bowl, presumably created by "the guests" serving time in the Pitkin County Jail? Will the wait staff wear grey-green pajamas and serve the People with cold indifference? And who will work there? Are the wages also capped to be "within the third lowest?" In this time of staffing challenges, one can only imagine the rush for wait-staff positions in a restaurant that will surely mandate pooled tips on the cheapest dinners in town! Without information on the exterior signage restrictions for Chairman Mao's Diner, one should anticipate a big red star that will show the People where they can find Aspen's newest state-controlled cheap eats!

Council Weighs the Veggie Burger Requirement--Click Below to Read About the V.B.R.!

Once the "live and let live" capital of America's west, Aspen, through its government, is getting increasingly more interested in monitoring your meals. In the August 12 work session, City Council adopted a policy to REQUIRE that special events held on City property achieve a minimum number of "environmental friendliness" points. Thus began the Council discussion on whether to assign points for serving veggie burgers. Yes - a "Veggie Burger Requirement," a.k.a. the V.B.R. While the City builds and trains its menu police staff, the V.B.R. and Chairman Mao's Diner in Aspen seem posed and ready for The Long March. (For doubters, we will soon post the video clip of the Council's August 12 discussion of the V.B.R.)

At least the V.B.R. did not require the dozens of hours of Council deliberation required to determine how many ounces of beer the People are allowed to taste. Hats off to The Aspen Brewery for fighting the fight. We wish you the best! Relish your freedom from the menu police (but remember, you are not allowed to serve relish)! City Council and its meddling have simply gone too far. There is certainly no need for "Aspen Pitkin County Restaurant Advisory Police," or APCRAP, under City Council's tutelage.

At least the V.B.R. did not require the dozens of hours of Council deliberation required to determine how many ounces of beer the People are allowed to taste. Hats off to The Aspen Brewery for fighting the fight. We wish you the best! Relish your freedom from the menu police (but remember, you are not allowed to serve relish)! City Council and its meddling have simply gone too far. There is certainly no need for "Aspen Pitkin County Restaurant Advisory Police," or APCRAP, under City Council's tutelage.


You Want A Raise??

And now, Council wants to more than double their salaries and obtain City health benefits next year, according to the proposed November ballot language! Their reasoning ??-The hours they invest are too much for the meager compensation. The Ant is certain that the problem is not the compensation,-- it's that Council puts in too many hours meddling and trying to micromanage the lives of other Aspenites..Price-controlled restaurants, monitored beer tastings, VBR's --- we'd rather Council spend less time on the job!! The Red Ant is seeing RED. Aren't you?

Attend City Council meeting Monday, August 25, at 5 p.m where the ballot measure on Council raises will be discussed.

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Seriously! They spent time debating the issue of whether large gatherings in City parks should be required to serve veggie burgers to be more "green"!
We will post a youTube clip soon to prove it!

August 31 | Registered CommenterElizabeth

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