ISSUE #280: Ballot Basics ... Get Ready!  (1/21/25)
March 5

"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education."

-- Franklin D. Roosevelt



Here we go again. It's municipal election season. We'll be electing a new mayor, plus two council seats are up for grabs. There are also two hotly contested ballot measures which promise to boost voter turnout. Get educated before you vote. Ballots will be arriving soon! Here's the scoop...


So you think Referendums 1 and 2 are thumbs up or thumbs down on "the straight shot" entrance to Aspen across the Marolt Open Space? You think Referendum 1 is anti-straight-shot and Referendum 2 is pro? You think Referendum 2 is the long-desired solution to our absurd traffic congestion? You think "the straight shot" is the panacea for the threat of a wildfire evacuation?

If so, you'd be wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong!

"The straight shot" is not on the ballot. And that's a good thing because even the city admits that "the straight shot" is NOT a traffic solution. It's an "infrastructure" solution. In fact, with a new stoplight at the Hickory House (7th and Main), "the straight shot" will actually slow traffic with yet another choke point! And it would still only offer one lane of general traffic in each direction!

It is SO SO SO important to know what you are voting on.


This measure seeks to change the approval threshold for converting our parks and open spaces to other uses from a simple majority (50% +1) to a super majority (60%). It will still be possible to turn open space like Marolt (or Wagner or Paepcke or Heron or Rio Grande or Northstar) into a highway or subsidized housing or a parking lot or some other use, but only with greater consensus. For obvious reasons, Referendum 1 just makes it a little more difficult. This one is a no brainer. For more info click HERE.  Vote YES on 1.

Add your name to Ref 1's list of supporters today!! Click HERE or email


This is Rachel Richard's personal attempt to hijack the city's and CDOT's process for addressing the entrance to Aspen and the bridge. With this measure, Aspen would cede its voter authority on any future solution entirely to CDOT, a government agency. Specifically, Ref 2 permits CDOT to proceed with both planning and construction activities without local voter involvement.

Please refer to Issue #279 for details on the entrance/bridge options that are being discussed. These are primarily 19th/20th century asphalt solutions to a 21st century problem. But keep in mind, the city is currently working to develop a case for a new Environmental Impact Study (EIS) that will replace the 1998 one. If a new EIS is warranted and presents a specific and data-driven "Purpose and Need," then any number of innovative solutions can be designed and considered. We should keep our city charter-given rights to approve them.

Today, there is no consensus on which problem we are even trying to solve. Council is all over the board. If we really want to solve traffic congestion, we need to specify that. Giving all our authority to CDOT is not the answer. Tell Rachel NO to her candidacy for mayor and vote NO on 2.

** As for fire evacuation concerns, please read THIS letter from former firefighter and assistant fire chief Jack Simmons. Sorry, but "the straight shot" isn't the answer you may hope it is. Even if we used both the straight shot's one general traffic lane AND the one outbound bus lane to evacuate, those two lanes merge into just one lane at the roundabout. The chokepoint might not happen at 5th and Main, but it certainly happens a quarter mile to the west with the same effect: gridlock. This is the reality.


Thankfully, Mayor Torre is term-limited out, and not a minute too soon. Enough is enough. (But more on Aspen's most infamous subsidized housing cheat in a minute...)

Welcome Katy Frisch to Aspen's mayoral race. This tireless community volunteer is exactly who we need. Katy is reasonable, practical and an exciting newcomer to city politics. She has previously served as both president and board member of the Aspen school board and president and board member of AVSC. In addition, she has been involved with Aspen Public Radio, the Aspen School District financial advisory board and the Roaring Fork Youth Orchestra while raising two kids here in Aspen. In short, she's smart, she's accomplished, she's a leader and she has the chops to sit at the helm of the council table with a no nonsense approach to taking on the pressing issues we face today, including oversight of city manager Sara Ott. I'm donating to Katy and hope you will too. HERE is a link. $250 is the limit.

Katy is running against perhaps Aspen's most undesirable career politician who propagates class warfare, the dreadful Rachel Richards. Over several decades, Rachel has already been mayor, she's served on council as well as on the board of county commissioners. If ever there was a contrast between new and old, this mayoral contest is it.

Put Rachel out to pasture. We do not need more old ideas and recycled politicians. Vote for Katy.


Speaking of recycled politicians, add Torre to that list. Since his mayoral stint is up, he simply cannot let go. He is now running for a council seat. More bad ideas, more waffling and more nonsense. Just say no. The housing scofflaw is a prime example of power going to one's head. He needs to grow up, get a job and get out of the way forward in Aspen. DO NOT vote to re-elect Torre.

And don't vote for John Doyle either. His first term on council is now up and he'd like another four years. No thanks. His first term can most appropriately be summed up by his comments pertaining to the events of October 7, 2023. I refuse to write what he said, but I promise to clip the video and send it to you prior to the election. He has no place in elected leadership in Aspen or anywhere.

There are several others running, thank goodness, so we can bring some fresh blood to the mix. I will study up and let you know who is best for the job! Stay tuned.


Get your Food Tax Refund. Click HERE And how about donating the proceeds to Katy Frisch or the "Yes on 1" efforts?!

Article originally appeared on The Red Ant (
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