ISSUE #278: Aspen Voters, Sign This Petition  (10/29/24)
January 21

"The activist is not the man who says 

the river is dirty. The activist is the man who 

cleans up the river."

-- Ross Perot


FIrst off, have you dropped off your November 5 ballot yet? Please do this ASAP. And if you need ballot advice, see my picks HERE.

Now, keep in mind that we have an Aspen municipal election on March 4, merely 18 weeks away! We'll be electing a new mayor (at last - Torre is term-limited), a new councilman (thank goodness Ward is term-limited) and possibly a second new councilman should John Doyle (wisely) decide not to run for re-election. There will be much more to come as these races shape up! You can bet I will have strong opinions!! 

In the meantime, there is a citizens petition effort underway that pertains to city council's abject failure to replace the failing Castle Creek Bridge and protect our open spaces.

In short, despite the bridge needing replacement REGARDLESS of what ends up happening with a straight-shot, split shot or any other iteration, today nothing is set to happen in the near term unless you count the real possibility of the bridge being downgraded by CDOT so as to set weight requirements for its continued usage. (Or it could simply fail.)

Friends of Castle Creek is a group of dedicated locals who have created a petition that stands to let city of Aspen voters decide whether to increase the level of support necessary to sell or change the use of our parks and open spaces. 

Read about it HERE and sign up for their newsletter!

Today, the city can sell or change these uses with 50% + 1 vote. A March ballot measure will seek to amend the city's Home Rule Charter to require a "super majority" of 60% + 1 vote, more in line with our community values. 

Parks and open space are vital to Aspen and our small town character. This potential change will NOT affect the city's ability to build recreation-related amenities nor how the parks are managed. It would just keep them from being radically repurposed by a narrow majority.

Let's protect our parks and open spaces while the Castle Creek Bridge replacement debate continues. A new approval threshold for the potential desecration of the Marolt Open Space is vital to the process.

Want to sign the petition? Call, text or email Sue Atkinson at 970-948-6798 She will coordinate a time to collect your signature. IF YOU ARE A CITY OF ASPEN VOTER, please sign the petition today!

It’s time to set aside the debate about the 1998 straight-shot plan and focus on the most pressing problem facing Aspen in 2024: rebuilding Castle Creek Bridge as soon as possible.















Article originally appeared on The Red Ant (
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