October 18

The Aspen/Pitkin Tax Man Cometh!

We’ve rarely seen a ballot this complex! So don’t guess, or walk away from the voting booth, before you’ve gotten through the local ballot with confidence.

Most local ballot issues propose sales and property tax extensions or increases. Hear why some may be crucial and some may be better levied in less stressful economic times. YOU decide. Don’t leave your tax bill for others to decide.

Come to the voter’s forum on local issues and meet the County Commissioner candidates as well. You’ll leave knowing what you want to do to make your vote count. You will hear a PRO and CON statement in plain English for each issue. You may ask your questions of community leaders or make a statement for other voters to consider.

Where: Paepcke Auditorium (Aspen Institute Campus)

When: Wednesday, October 22 5:30 p.m.

Who: Paul Menter, Moderator. Community Leaders as speakers and resources-- Bruce Anderson, Patti Clapper, Don Davidson, Jack Hatfield, Ward Hauenstein, Laura Kornasiewicz, , Dee Malone, Mike Maple, Paul Menter, George Newman, Kevin Patrick, Rachel Richards, Dan Richardson, Shellie Roy, Katherine Sand, Tim Semrau,  Cliff Wess, Shirley Ritter, Dan Blankenship, and Diana Sirko.

Don’t be an ignorANT on issues that affect your life and career in Aspen/Pitkin County.

Help Defray the Costs of the Voter Forum

Costs for the public event have climbed by having to move to Paepcke, when the Rio Grande room access could not be assured based on the BOCC schedule. We are renting Paepcke and paying for Grassroots taping and rebroadcast. Whether or not you can attend, if you value the concept of an open, balanced, and respectful public forum for local issues, please help support this by your contribution. Any help is welcome. Those who contribute $100 or more will be noted as sponsors of the event.

Welcome New City Council Member!

Jackie Kasabach, retired from the management team at The Gant, was appointed by Aspen City Council to complete the term of the late J.E. DeVilbiss. Jackie is known as thoughtful, personable, a good listener and very dedicated to our community. Those who have served with her in prior civic duties and business projects predict that she will do her own thinking, while studying the issues and listening to a variety of perspectives.

We hear that she is passionate about issues but always respectful and very professional. Everyone has said that she will never join in the bad behavior, name calling, and ill-tempered unprofessional antics we have seen from three of the four current Council members. (Dwayne Romero, known for his professionalism and gentlemanly conduct, is surely pleased to have Jackie’s company to help raise the standard of appropriate demeanor toward citizens.) Dawn of a new day? It’s possible. The end of immaturity, temper tantrums and irrational deportment in Council meetings? The Ant, relentlessly optimistic, is standing by with great hope.

Jackie’s First Challenge

No doubt Jackie will have her work cut out for her on the 2009 budget decisions now in front of the Council. Aspen needs a major turnaround in the spendthrift habits moving ahead unchecked. City Staff is developing a budget seemingly based the “good times” of years past, with a 7% INCREASE in operating expenses, and assumed sales and significant property tax increases.

You recently read local newspaper headlines about the City’s major “cutbacks” and “slashing spending.” Despite the headlines, the truth is, unlike other municipalities across the US, the City of Aspen is only postponing a few capital expenditures. Plus, the City is actually planning to increase staff salaries and benefits in 2009. How? Because they are planning to increase taxes and fees to help cover the costs of our growing government!!

The Ant is closely watching the budget process and the tax increase assumptions, and especially the resistance of Council and staff to react to the nation’s economic outlook. Per his comments at the first budget meeting, Councilman Jack Johnson is not convinced that Aspen will even be affected.

We’ll be reporting back to you after we attend another budget meeting or two, where we hope that more answers are provided than in the last two meetings.

Selection Process:

See The Red Ant TV show where Tim Semrau, Andrew Kole and Marilyn discuss the candidates and Council's process. Channel 12 and live web broadcast on the SAME schedule: (Mountain Time)
Saturday 10/18 at 9 p.m.

Monday 10/20 at 8:30 a.m.

Tuesday 10/21 at 11 p.m.

Your Questions and Comments

If you cannot be at the forum, feel free to leave your questions below. We will pass them along to Paul Menter, moderator, who will try to find time during the Q&A period to ask the experts. We’ll inform you as to Grassroots broadcast times.

We are always interested in your comments. We got some funny ones on the 22 Council questions of applicants! Post your comments below.

Article originally appeared on The Red Ant (
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